Edinburgh Community Yoga (ECY) is one of the most established yoga outreach organisations in the country. As a not-for-profit social enterprise, every penny goes back into the organisation to develop outreach projects. Alongside their outreach and community programmes ECY also run a comprehensive workplace wellbeing program offering solutions to work related pressure in high stress environments such as the NHS. Learn more about Edinburgh Community Yoga below.
Who are we?
ECY is one of the most established yoga outreach organisations in the country.
We run an average of forty classes a week, more than half of which are in outreach settings. Our inclusive approach means our students ages range from from 13-95 and almost half are men.
Alongside our outreach and community programmes we also run a comprehensive workplace wellbeing program offering solutions to work related pressure in high stress environments such as the NHS. We also offer mainstream yoga classes and retreats and run training courses for yoga teachers interested in our approach to teaching outreach.
Why do we exist?
Our Vision
Our vision encompasses the yogic values of respect and compassion and the humanist ideal of unconditional positive regard. We believe in social equality and work towards an inclusive world where each individual has access to and is empowered by doing yoga.
Our Mission
We take the therapeutic benefits of yoga to communities in Edinburgh, ensuring access and inclusion, by working across the cultural, economic and health barriers that inhibit people from taking part. We aim to provide a learning environment that is safe and supportive, and to equip people with the skills to deal with stress, and improve their health and mental well-being. We achieve this as a not-for-profit organisation by offering a range of public and corporate classes, retreats, teacher training and outreach projects.
Honouring the source
As a Scottish not-for-profit Yoga organisation we wish to respect the roots of the practice of Yoga from which we and our communities’ benefit. We acknowledge that Yoga originates from South Asian philosophical traditions and that the practice encompasses far more than physical poses alone.
We accept and understand that as Western teachers what we teach, and practice may not always reflect the depth and breadth of the traditional teachings of Yoga and that our organisation, though not-for-profit in nature, exists as part of a modern, capitalist Western interpretation of what Yoga is. That said, we commit to upholding the philosophical underpinnings of the practice wherever possible. We hold great reverence and much gratitude for the historical roots of Yoga and its transformational teachings, and we aim wherever possible to honour these roots in a way that is respectful to the tradition while authentic to our understanding and cultural experience.
Learn more about Edinburgh Community Yoga’s workplace wellbeing programme here
Get in touch
Edinburgh Community Yoga
33-41 Ratcliffe Terrace
Mobile: 07966 502 085
Email: admin@edinburghcommunityyoga.co.uk
Website: www.edinburghcommunityyoga.co.uk